The EnviroTrike was developed to ensure safer collection of recycled material and to help benefit the following sectors:
Material Collector benefits:
Improved revenue through higher volumes of recycled material collection in one trip.
Enhanced Safety for collectors as well as awareness for motorists through better visibility and “onroad” rugged reliability.
Safer load carrying basket to ensure stability in the load during transit.
Can and bottle crushing tool helps ensure safer processing of the material.
Envirotrike’s are serviced when branding is changed to help ensure better road safety on an ongoing basis.
Recycle plant benefits:
Increased volumes of recyclable material which aids in the objective of a greener environment.
Being part of a greater empowerment project whereby the people collecting the material have a higher earning capacity.
Sponsoring Brand Benefits:
Companies benefit from greater mobile brand exposure at a lower cost than conventional advertising.
Sponsoring an EnviroTrike helps companies improve their ability to contribute towards lower income sector earners, whilst gaining brand exposure at the same time.
Interchangeable advertising boards help maximise changing brand messages and increase brand awareness.
Tracking – The Envirotrike can be tracked and you can place them in areas that you would like your brand to be more visible in.